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Join us Feb. 13 at 11 a.m. ET for “Breaking Barriers with Digital Health Technologies,” unveiling new resources to advance CRS risk prediction and support DHT development. Don’t miss it!

Take the fast track to becoming a V3 and V3+ expert

John Dyer | Principal Scientist Cumulus Neuroscience | ADRD

“The digital biomarker space in general is advancing very rapidly, which is great news for patients and researchers. As a researcher, l’ve had trouble in both finding CNS-relevant digital tools, and in determining how well developed and validated they are. Many companies that provide tools like this don’t share validation evidence in a single place – it’s often scattered across papers, posters, press releases, – or just not available online. I’ve done plenty of manual literature reviews over the years to aggregate this information, but it’s a very time-consuming process, and the output quickly goes out of date. The DiMe digital measurement products library provides a centralized, unified platform for this material, which will make digital biomarker selection much easier – hopefully leading to accelerated development of treatments for patients.”