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Transforming Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia research by defining a set of core digital clinical measures

By convening a balanced and inclusive group of global multistakeholder experts, including patient, carepartner, clinician, clinical scientist, technological, regulatory, and payer experts, there is an opportunity to define global meaningful aspects of health and build consensus for a set of core digital clinical measures in ADRD at the intersection of technological capabilities and patient, carepartner, and clinical need.

This globally-acceptable core measure set will become the focus of digital measure development efforts in ADRD, preventing disparate and siloed efforts that yield limited progress, instead supporting directed innovation and competition that places the patient voice at the heart of drug development in ADRD and fuels progress in treating the heterogeneity of these complex diseases.

Our objectives include

Describing globally meaningful aspects of health and physiologic characteristics in ADRD
Identifying areas of technological excellence in digital health measurement in ADRD and related conditions, as characterized by mature sensor and analytical capabilities in addition to robust data sets
Defining a consensus set of core digital clinical measures in ADRD at the intersection of technological capabilities and patient, carepartner, and clinical need
Driving the dissemination and broad adoption of this core digital measure set in clinical research and care through an international communication and education campaign

Digital Measures Development

The Library of Digital Measurement Products is for researchers and clinicians in the field to assess the available options for measurement in the Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias population, with evidence to appraise various technologies and assess existing gaps to help speed up the research.

Uncovering key DHTs for ADRD

DATAcc by DiMe recently published a comprehensive landscape review in The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, identifying over 100 digital health technologies being used for assessment and monitoring in ADRD populations.

This multi-stakeholder collaboration, involving experts from academia, industry, clinical practice, and patient advocacy groups, surveyed 20 years of peer-reviewed literature and community input to catalog technologies like wearable sensors, smartphone/tablet apps, smart home setups, and more. This collaborative review highlights digital health technologies’ vast potential to enable:

  • Earlier detection of cognitive decline
  • Continuous remote monitoring of disease progression
  • Measurement of treatment response
  • Improved clinical trial endpoints

Project partners

Digital solutions collaborators

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